Children Perceive Their World in the Theta Frequency

Theta Frequency
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In his book The Biology of Belief, cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton describes how in the first six years of life, children perceive their world in the theta frequency. After that they move to beta, which is our normal day-to-day operating procedure. Theta is also that period of time when we are just conscious between waking and sleeping. This has been studied by many scientists, psychologists, and medical personnel. The theta state is like a sponge–we absorb tremendous amounts of information in that frequency. The early childhood years require the absorption of billions of details to learn how to function in the physical and emotional worlds. We never again learn as much as we do in those first years. We are effectively storing more information than the largest supercomputer.

It is a period of time, those first six years, in which we also believe everything is true that we are told. We accept what our parents say and do as absolute truth, and also assume the behavior of others is truth. There is no discrimination of facts or ideas in theta. Everything is open and receiving. Such filtering only occurs later, after age six.

For this reason, how we treat little ones impacts their entire lives. If they learn love, then that is what they also learn as truth. If they hear words that do not value them, they assume those opinions are true. They do not realize that what parents and other people do and especially what they say can be limited in its wisdom. Many people struggle with issues all their lives that began in this early time.

What matters most is that we cherish the little ones and acknowledge we are entrusted with their care, and we do not own them–we are given the privilege of knowing them by God’s grace, a soul to meet whose only purpose is to feel joy in existence.

Our responsibility as adults is to give that to all children, everywhere. Doing so would change the world.

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