Category Archives: For the Love of Reading

Reading transports us, and yet brings our reality into greater focus. In these posts I explore the myriad of places and times when our love of reading not only inspires, provides escape, or lets us explores unchartered worlds, but also reveals to us more of who we are, and why we are here.

What makes us so keen to explore new worlds, to experience the lives of characters in fiction?

It is because we love stories, and we humans have felt this way since the beginning of time. Thirty thousand years ago we drew extraordinary images of animals on the walls of caves and these paintings guided the storytellers even then.

The gift of reading is that it can enthrall us and empower us and make a difference in how we see our own possibilities.

Imagine if you never got to read a story ever again. Now that would be an impossible world to imagine…

What Is the Power in Reading Fiction?

 What is the power in reading fiction


Opening a book is a magical thing. Worlds wait for us, unknown landscapes appear in our minds as we read, and the characters who show up inevitably create emotional responses in us. Our reactions and feelings can run the gamut from delight and intrigue to fear and wonder. Whether the book we’ve chosen is adventure or science fiction or fantasy or mystery, it gives us a feeling of possibility we didn’t know existed before. This is the power in reading fiction.

The hours we spend immersed in a book, or the forty-five minutes we spend with a short story, or even the five minutes we give to a poem–all of it is time that instills a feeling of respite in us, a chance to let go of our hectic lives.

power in reading fiction

Stefan Keller

Some say the love of reading begins in childhood, and maybe that’s true for most of us. But in truth, we might not find out how reading can touch
