How Do You Measure Your Self-Worth?


We spend a great amount of time comparing ourselves with others. It is a habit that can strangle our motivation, our optimism, our belief in who we are, our feelings of self-worth. And it is a habit to ditch—NOW.


Not only will no good come of it, no advantage or progress forward, but more to the point, comparing yourself with others is a sign you have given away your personal power.

What Exactly Does That Mean?

When you meet other people or spend time with them, you may express your thoughts, beliefs, and ideas—or you may not. How do you know if that is a matter of personal choice and preference, or if you are giving up your true identity, where your power lives? You are relinquishing personal power if you:

  • Say things in order to please someone else when the words do not match your own values and opinions.

  • Take actions to satisfy someone else’s agenda at the expense of doing what matters to you.
  • Pretend to enjoy someone’s company to fit in.
  • Fail to describe your own creative works so as not to be seen as standing out or too enthusiastic.
  • Doubt your right to exist, in some deep way, believing you have not earned or proven your worth.
  • Let someone else speak for you.
  • Stay stuck in one place to stay safe, even when it means you are giving up what you love.

The thing is, YOU ARE ALREADY WORTHY. You always have been. You were given life for that very reason. As an infant you arrived with absolute faith in your life-force. And that life-force never leaves you, never disappears.

So What’s Going On?

You can forget it’s there, or you don’t remember that you are meant to become aware of that energy within you and its inherent power to show you your true path—to show you in your mind, in your spirit, in your heart, that YOU ARE LIGHT, always light.

The Passion That Belongs to You

A single idea can change the world—we know so many examples: the electric light bulb, the printing press, the telephone, the Internet. Those ideas came from individuals who let their passion through, who went with the flow of energy they got by doing what mattered most to them. This same passion drives people in performance, in the arts, in every field conceivable. Each time, it is one person choosing to follow their heart, to allow the creative  personal power that is their birthright—AS IT IS YOURS.

1 Timothy 4:14: “Do not neglect the gift that is in you.”

You don’t have to do anything or be anything except yourself.  You may have no idea what you are capable of, but you know there is more to the story. You know what you love to do. Allow that to happen, and everything is open to you. You don’t have to become perfect—you already are in the eyes of God. You just have to say YES to your own journey. Anything is possible.

“The cosmos is also within us. We’re made of star stuff.” ~Carl Sagan

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6 thoughts on “How Do You Measure Your Self-Worth?

  1. aruna

    Loved every bit of this! Could you please write something more on “Dont Be anything except yourself” and “How to be yourself”. Reading your article, I feel I need to seriously learn to be myself.

    1. Regina Clarke Post author

      We all are, Catalina. Our human selves deal so much with self-doubt and resistance. But our other side, our spiritual self, knows how much we have to offer. I think the best thing we must do is persevere, to stay the course no matter what. And not to think of ourselves as neglecting our gift so much as journeying towards it by a somewhat wandering path… 🙂


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